
Drunken Sailor Gets the Heave Ho From History

LONDON—A government-funded agency in the UK has changed the title of the classic 19th century sea shanty “What to Do With a Drunken Sailor” to “What to Do With A Grumpy Pirate.” Libraries throughout the UK recently received the update in books for toddlers.
Other alcohol-related lines, such as “Keelhaul him and pass the bottle” and “Round with the rum and scotch and whiskey” were changed to “Do a little jig and make him smile” and “Tickle him till he starts to giggle.”
The agency, in its overweening political correctness, decided that rather than having a bit of fun with the hard-drinking seamen who defended England, they should instead encourage children to attempt to tickle a bloodthirsty outlaw who would undoubtedly run them through with his cutlass.
Parents protested the changes, rightfully deriding the agency for attempting to rewrite and sanitize England’s history and tradition.